Automated values, adding values to hidden inputs
Merging of arbitrary fields and automatic filling of selected fields with a series of system values
Automated values
[* *]
<input type="hidden" name="opt_year" value="[*YYYY*]">
<input type="hidden" name="opt_year" value="[* YYYY *]">
<input type="hidden" name="opt_year" value="year[* YYYY *]">
Merging values
Example: merge first and last name into one field
In your form (pop-up) you have two fields in which the user enters the first and last name separately
<input type="text" name="opt_first-name" value="" placeholder="first name">
<input type="text" name="opt_surname" value="" placeholder="surname">
To merge first and last names, create a hidden input named by custom convention with the following value
<input type="hidden" name="opt_name" value="[*opt_first-name opt_surname*]">
Addition of values
Example: adding a form submission date
To complete the date, you can use the usual mask for day DD, for month MM and for year YYYY (or just YY).
you can use a space, dash or any other custom separator as a date separator
the composition of values (data format) is arbitrary
<input type="hidden" name="opt_send-date" value="[*DD-MM-YYYY*]">
Example for UNIX Timestamp:
<input type="hidden" name="opt_send-date" value="[*TIMESTAMP*]">
Example: adding a user's IP address
You can also add the IP (IPv4) address of the device from which the form (pop-up) was sent:
<input type="hidden" name="opt_ip-address" value="[*IP*]">
Example: adding a region
The ISO code of the user's country and continent can also be added:
<input type="hidden" name="opt_country" value="[*COUNTRY*]">
<input type="hidden" name="opt_region" value="[*CONTINENT*]">
Example: adding user device information
You can also provide identification of the browser and device from which the form was submitted:
<input type="hidden" name="opt_mobile-or-desktop" value="[*DEVICE*]">
<input type="hidden" name="opt_browser" value="[*AGENT*]">