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Updated: 15. April 2021

Mailocator Events

With events, you can intelligently manage the sequence of campaigns across the entire workflow scenario and display much more relevant and precisely targeted content in real time.

What are events?

Events are event identifiers that describe a user's behavior - for example, the value of a cart or any user state during the shopping process.

You can create events, assign values to them, change those values, or delete events.

Based on the existence or values of events or combinations of events, you can:
launch or block any campaigns
turn off campaigns
create new events
delete events that are no longer valid

With Events, for example, you can run a campaign when the value of an item in your cart is higher than the limit you set (see below).

Event management

You can manage events by simply calling JavaScript, either directly in your pages or by using GTM (Google Tag Manager) for example after changing the values in dataLayer.

Creating an event

Creating an event without a defined value automatically assigns a logical value to the event true:

Creating an event with a defined value:

Event Update

Changes the value, if any, or sets a new event with the desired value

Increase the event value by 1 if the current value is a number:

Decreases the event value by 1 if the current value is a number:

Removing an event


Return of Event Value


For example:
console.log( mailocator.event.get('total_price') )
> 99

Listing all events and their values on the browser console


Delete all events


Case study:

Launch a campaign based on cart content and value

Launching a campaign if the user has at least two items in the basket with a total value exceeding 99 EUR

Go to Scenarios
Click the Settings button next to the desired campaign
Set up Campaign Launch using events
Note that all other settings (such as time of day or location restrictions) will be applied to the campaign independently of the events

Click the Manage Events button next to the desired campaign
Set the required parameters for running the campaign

In this case, we set the event total-price and items-count to the desired values with a condition that must be met for the campaign to run

The campaign set up in this way will be launched immediately when the necessary events are set up:

mailocator.event.push('total_price:100') sets the total price in the cart
mailocator.event.push('items_count:1') sets the first item
mailocator.event.push('items_count:+') increases the number of items by one

Since the condition for total_price is met (must be greater than 99) and at the same time items_count is equal to 2, the campaign is started.

Creating a new event based on conditions met from previous events

In Mailocator, you can create new events to help you intelligently manage the sequence of campaigns throughout your workflow scenario. This gives the user more relevant and precisely targeted content.

What are the most common event-based targeting models?

product recommendations in the purchasing process
display of marketing motivators in the shopping process depending on the value and/or content of the basket
view products with respect to user history
offer previously unread content in the context of current content
enrichment of the acquired contact

Example of setting a condition according to a fulfilled event:

The following simple configuration ensures that when the condition is met and the value exceeds a certain value (99), we mark the user as valuable and a new event is created{valuable_user.

This event can then be used to trigger campaigns (benefits, free shipping...) for the customers so marked.

Testing events in the Lab

You will now find a new dialog for dynamic event management in the Lab.

You can easily simulate event states and examine workflow scenarios in detail.

in the Scenario, start the Lab
click on the Events icon on the bottom left to get the current list of events currently in use
you can now set events to the desired configuration to run the campaign


Switching between integrations within the same project

If you need to route some campaigns to the CRM, others to an email tool, and store the results from surveys in an independent database, this solution is also easy to set up.

Automated values, adding values to hidden inputs

Merging of arbitrary fields and automatic filling of selected fields with a series of system values

Launch a campaign when you hover or touch a specific location on the page

Mark a location that triggers a campaign when the user hovers over it or touches it on a touch device

Mailocator Events

With events, you can intelligently manage the sequence of campaigns across the entire workflow scenario and display much more relevant and precisely targeted content in real time.


Set up the display of notifications on your site using Mailocator