Scenario in Mailocator
The Mailocator scenario is a key tool for setting up your campaigns to work properly. See everything and how easy it is to set up.
What is the Scenario for?
Turns campaigns on and off, controls the display of campaigns on different devices.
Assigns content and design to individual campaigns.
Allows you to run A / B tests on conversion campaigns.
Manages campaign configurations, filters, and animations.
Allows you to quickly edit text content.
Kampaň běží a je viditelná všem uživatelům
Kampaň běží v testovacím módu a je viditelná pouze v Laboratoři, která slouží k testování a ladění scénářů bez toho, aby takové kampaně viděli běžní uživatelé
Kampaň je skrytá a nezobrazuje se
The preview is fully active, you can try the whole acquisition process of obtaining an email address.
The preview cannot run while the campaign is paused.
The basics include the audience, time or day, order of visit, and a number of other useful restrictions that will show the campaign only to those for whom it is intended..
You can also turn off your campaign completely for specific devices.
You can quickly edit text content.
You can open content in Designer.
You can assign a different design, or create a whole new look and content.
The first 4 campaigns are defaults and cannot be cloned or deleted.